SA Monthly Retail Hedge Fund

Value orientated long/short porfolio investing in South African listed equities with an average daily trading volume exceeding R3 million at the time of initial investment. The portfolio follows a bottom-up stock selection approach.

Objectives & Strategy

The fund’s primary objective is achieving absolute rates of return over the long term, while minimizing the risk of capital impairment. The investment strategy is to maximize investor capital by buying securities with trading values materially lower than their intrinsic values, and by selling short securities with trading values materially higher than their intrinsic values. 

Since inception net annualised return


Cumalative net return


Annualised volatility


Correlation to the ALSI 


Fund Facts

Latest Minimum Disclosure Documents:

🗎 Steyn Capital Monthly RHF Factsheet

🗎 Steyn Capital Monthly RHF latest quarterly report

Risk Profile: Medium

Original Launch Date: 1 May 2013*

Portfolio Size: R1 924 million (Strategy R4 bn) - 31 December 2024

Minimum Initial Investment: R250 000

Pricing and Liquidity terms: Monthly, subject to 1 calendar months' notice for redemptions

ASISA Classification: Retail Investor Hedge Fund - South Africa - Long/Short Equity - Long Bias

ISIN/JSE Code: ZAE000240446 / SCRCD

*transitioned to new regulations under CISCA 1 June 2016 

How to Invest

New Investors: Complete FundRock Manco’s onboarding process: the process, documents and processing timeline are indicated on each form.

🗎 New Investor Application – Individual 

🗎 New Investor Application – Entity

If you have already been onboarded with FundRock Manco for another hedge fund, you can simply complete an Additional Investment form should you wish to invest in one of the other hedge funds or increase your current investment.

The fund is also available on the LifeCycle platform.